Thursday, 15 August 2013


So it's been 2 years since I started this little blog so excuse me now as I proceed to make a big deal about it :)

The blog started off with me overdosing on Masterchef Australia and trying to get some sort of discipline into my life. Keeping a blog up to date is work and soon I felt my blog judging me when I didn't post soon enough. So it became a monthly thing soon and sometimes more.

I found my dream during the course of these 2 years. The dream of becoming a chef and I've been working to get there. My stint at cookery school in Dublin has taught me invaluable things. I now own my own pair of chef whites :) A few other dreams also came true. I met and COOKED for Gary & George from the show that started this journey for me in the first place. I saw Jamie Oliver, my idol, cook live on Food Revolution Day! I can't express how fortunate I've been. First I talked about food from a critic's point of view and now I can slowly see it turning into a chef's point of view.

I also want to thank my friends and all those people who were so happy with me for following my dream. I can't be more grateful. Lastly, I want to thank YOU guys. For reading, getting in touch with me, complimenting me and encouraging me, today's posts are for you guys.

I'm going to start unwrapping a few posts on our birthday, hope you like them!





  1. Heartiest Congratulations. May all your dreams come true

  2. So sorry! Just saw this! Thank you SO much.
