Saturday, 6 July 2013

Dinner 101.

I know. Don't. I'm unbelievably late. But I think the procrastination is kicking back in. You guys stuck with me through all that and I thought I'd gotten over it but I'm having some kind of relapse. I'm trying to fight it like last time but I guess it isn't working. Anyway, here I am. I've made it. I'm typing.

My first formal dinner after my 'certificate' so expectations were high. My emotions were high. But in the end I think I pulled it off. Tell me what you think!


Appetizer: Chicken liver pate with crisp ciabatta.

Main: Roasted Vegetable Quiche and Salad with a Balsamic and Hazelnut dressing.

Dessert: Chocolate Fondant with Caramel ice cream.

I decided to keep my first ever menu simple. I'd have liked a few more dishes but it was too much to do for the first time by myself. And since I was making everything from scratch (except the caramel ice cream and ciabatta) I couldn't really risk it.

I cooked the whole day and this is how everything turned out.

I was quite pleased with this pate actually. Creamy, rich with a hint of alcohol.

Yep. I made the pastry from scratch. Bloody hard work especially with our weather. Loads of vegetables, lots of thyme and beautiful salty feta.

No one can hate this dessert. I'm telling you, it's the easiest way to please someone. Oozy chocolate cake with ice cream- everyone loves that, unless ofcourse you're friends with those weirdos who hate chocolate :P
I was really happy with the way everything turned out. I just wish I had had time to make some onion jam to go with the pate but I just couldn't fit that in. So, good meal you reckon? Let me know if you'll use this or what you would add otherwise. Don't forget to comment below or just tweet me @devikambing :)

Look forward to hearing from you!

Stay Hungry



  1. Looks yummy :) I too made Chocolate Lava cake last weekend. And hey i`m following your blog and twitter from Sri Lanka ;)

  2. Hey :)
    Wow thank you so much! Means a lot, seriously.
    How'd your cake turn out?
