Sorry for being so late, but after I got done with school I got a little carried away having fun. So this is my third week at cookery school. I haven't missed day 3 but I was compromised with a huge cut on my right finger so couldn't make it to school. Yes, #ChefProblems :)
WELSH RAREBIT WITH POACHED EGG AND WILTED SPINACH Oh god I just love this recipe. A mixture of cheeses and mustard spread on toast with a lovely, creamy poached egg and fresh spinach. I was shocked I hadn't tried this earlier. So simple, traditional and delicious. |
ROASTED BUTTERNUT SQUASH WITH CHILI YOGHURT This is one of the best salads we learned. So rich in flavour but so light. Warm, summery butternut squash with a cool chili yoghurt. AMAZING. |
MIXED MUSHROOMS WITH BARLEY, FETA & CORIANDER This is such a hearty dish. Woody, delicious mushrooms go so well with the barley and coriander, it's unbelievable. It's the perfect side or starter. |
MACKEREL WITH A CELERY, CELERIAC & FENNEL SALAD If you aren't too fond of big, complex flavours, you'll love this. Just salt and pepper for seasoning, this dish is fresh, simple and light. |
PRESSED CHOCOLATE CAKE The trick about this cake is saving a bit of the mixture and top the cake with it a little later so you get a beautiful moussey texture on top. Such a simple trick, classic. |
BRAN CRANBERRY MUFFINS Let me warn you, these aren't as healthy as they look. With a good amount of creme fraiche and flour, this is as yummy as your other muffins. The crunch the bran brings is what makes them different. |
THREE CHEESE RAVIOLI WITH BROWN BUTTER Making ravioli is one of the most fulfilling jobs. It takes a lot of work, but the result is just beautiful. A perfect dish. You'll be seeing a lot more of it. |
PORK BELLY A classic dish, the key in achieving the perfectly cooked pork is the fluids you cook it in and the amount of time you give it. |
RUSTIC OPEN APPLE TART We've learned a lot of apple tarts and this looks one of the best. Fresh, sour apples topped with caramelised sugar and crispy pastry. |
PRAWN STIR FRY A combination of Thai flavours but I could really do without the curry powder. |
RED PASTE BEEF STIR FRY I loved this dish, hot and spicy. |
MINT & CUCUMBER PICKLE This was SUCH a brilliant accompaniment with the rest of the spicy food. So clean, so fresh, so yum. |
GREEN THAI CURRY This curry was made from scratch with no shop bought curry pastes. The poached chicken and the chicken stock gives it a depth in flavour. |
RASPBERRY JAM Who knew making jam was so simple? Fruits and sugar, that's it. |
CHICKEN LIVER PATE WITH ONION MARMALADE ON HOMEMADE BROWN SODA BREAD Such a refined starter. The flavours go together so well it's unbelievable. Win. |
FISH EN PAPILLOTE Summery and fresh. Grilled fish with summer veggies cooked in a paper bag. Delicate and delicious. |
ECLAIRS These were just so easy to make and so so yum. With yummy fillings like salted caramel, lemon curd and cream, who won't like these? |
That was Week 3. Delicious isn't it? Hope you enjoyed this, the delay was just my procrastination acting up again. Week 4 is even better ;)
Stay Hungry
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