Monday, 7 May 2012

Summer Fragrance No. 1

When summer starts, all the stores get busy coming up with their new line of things that compliment the summer. Sunglasses, swimsuits, sundresses, etc. But perfumes that inspire the summer are my favourite!

Not everyone gets it right though. What I look for in summer fragrances is a fresh and citrus tone in it. Even sweet and flowery might do it. What I really hate are the really strong ones that are almost screaming out, "Try us! We smell like summer!" The first summer fragrance I tried this season is from The Body Shop. They have 3 new summer fragrances but the one I liked best is called Dreams Unlimited. In a pretty blue and yellow bottle, the perfume is what summer is all about. The other two fragrances are also pretty decent, but not as great as DU. The bottles look pretty and summery and have a very cocktailish look about them.

Trust me, Dreams Unlimited should be your fragrance this summer. It's the first one I've tried and already it's competing for the first spot. I liked it so much that I squirted half the bottle on myself this afternoon after making sure there was no salesperson around. Oh come on, don't tell me you haven't done that!

So, keep checking this space as I go looking out for more fragrances that will make your summer sexier than it already is. Until then, sip on smoothies and gorge on mangoes!


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