In case you haven't already heard, I'm sick. It's been like a crazy attack of viruses the past few days and I don't think I've ever had a cold this bad. Picture Monica in season 3? Nose running, tissues everywhere, voice sounding like Bane? Yeah, that's me. Sadly enough, my hunger hasn't gone anywhere. It's right here. Like a stubborn inner voice. I keep telling my mum to make me things I'd like to have but all she says is,"Shut up. You're sick. Taste doesn't matter" It's been more than mildly infuriating. All this free time on my hands has led to me studying all the Jamie Oliver books I have and all he does is make me jealous. "My mum used to make me this when I had a cold." And there's a picture of a delicious looking chicken broth. If I had the strength, or a dry nose, I'd make it myself. But alas, I can't. My mom expects me to eat dal and rice. AS IF! But using my impeccable persuasion skills, I did get her to make me some delicious
tomato, beetroot and carrot soup with a warm mushroom and pak choi salad. That kept me content for one meal at least. Then when I was hungry again I made her make me a cup of
coffee and an
emmenthal, salami and lettuce sandwich. Satiated, again. For dinner my mom made (and I didn't have to ask this time ;)
a really hot fish curry which I had with rice. Ahh it felt so good. Before crashing, I made my little brother make me a pot of orange spicer tea (no kidding) as I watched Django Unchained for the second time. Today, that I''m back on my feet, I'm cooking!
Pasta Bianco You-Know-Who's book :) I'm heading to the kitchen now to start, wait I'll come back with pictures.
Here you go! Not bad for a patient eh? |
This has got to be one of the easiest pastas I've ever made and it tastes just heavenly. Perfect if you're sick cause it's quick, hassle free and the ultimate comfort food. Here's the recipe folks
JamieOliverPastaBianco .
So that's me signing off. My bed's calling me, my nose needs attending and the meds aren't gonna take themselves
! Staaaaay Hungry